
  • © Fraunhofer IWKS

    On Tuesday, July 30, Till Mansmann, Innovation Commissioner for »Green Hydrogen« at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and development policy spokesperson for the FDP, visited the High Performance Center - Green Materials for Hydrogen, Hesse »GreenMat4H2« in Hanau and Darmstadt. In close cooperation with regional partners, the High Performance Center pools the expertise of the Fraunhofer IWKS and the Fraunhofer LBF in order to develop future-proof concepts for a sustainable, geopolitically independent, efficient and safe hydrogen economy. Till Mansmann gained deep insights into the hydrogen activities in Hessen and gathered important impulses from research and science, which he would like to contribute to the public discourse.

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  • How safe is hydrogen as an energy source of the future? Which materials need to be upgraded for the use of hydrogen and how can they be recycled? What do efficient processes look like? Research teams from the Fraunhofer IWKS and the Fraunhofer LBF will be showcasing current developments in the production, transport, storage and use of hydrogen at HANNOVER MESSE, April 22 to 26, 2024, Hall 13, Stand C16, at the LandesEnergieAgentur Hessen LEA stand.

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  • The Energy & Climate Protection Foundation has been organizing the "Energy and the Environment - My Idea for Tomorrow" ideas competition every year since 2011 in order to promote young scientists. It is aimed at young scientists working on the topic of the energy transition and climate protection as part of their doctorate. At the foundation's "Energy Campus" symposium on November 17, 2023, Mario Schönfeldt, research associate at Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS, was delighted to win second place.

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  • During the 15th Global Chinese Chemical Engineering Symposium, which took place from August 5 to 9, 2023, in Hong Kong, Dr Guoxing Chen, research associate at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS, achieved the “Award of Future Chemical Engineering Scholar (2023)“. As a recipient of this recognition, he was invited to deliver a keynote talk on the topic of "Plasma-based Technology for Energy Storage and Environmental Applications."

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  • Save the Date ICRC 2024
    © Fraunhofer IWKS

    Missed climate targets, scarcity of resources, lack of security of supply - the current world situation is increasing pressure on politics, business and science. This raises the importance of addressing these challenges consistently and comprehensively. The still young conference "ICRC - International Conference on Resource Chemistry", which will take place in Alzenau, Frankfurt area, from March 11 - 13, 2024, will decisively contribute to this. The organizer is Fraunhofer Research Institution for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS.

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  • © Fraunhofer LBF

    The safety and reliability of hydrogen-exposed materials and components are essential prerequisites for establishing hydrogen as a future renewable energy carrier or storage system. Increasing the acceptance of hydrogen by validating and improving the reliability and safety of hydrogen-carrying components are key challenges for emission-free mobility and supply infrastructure. At the same time, the recyclability of the materials used plays a central role in securing raw materials and resources as well as in reducing the carbon footprint. In this context, the Fraunhofer Performance Center GreenMat4H2 will present current analysis concepts and individual validation methods for materials and systems in the field of hydrogen technology at the Hessian joint booth at the Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells EUROPE (Hall 13, Booth C36).

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